Employee loyalty isn’t something you automatically get. If the record-breaking resignation numbers in recent years have shown us anything. It’s that you have to continue to earn your employees’ engagement and loyalty. However. Internal communications can often come as an uncreative afterthought in organizations. Which is made glaringly apparent by the 34% of company newsletters that go unopen.
Internal newsletters have the power to inspire
Let’s be real; we’ve all receiv those jargony. High-level corporate newsletters with massive blocks of copy we’re never going to read. However. Done right. Internal newsletters have the power to inspire. Cultivate company culture. And keep teams align. Internal company newsletters europe email list are a powerful tool and should be approach with the same effort and intentionality that you put into any email marketing.
Start with what’s most important
Start with what’s most important to your employees We might break some hearts here. But your internal newsletter is not first and foremost about how awesome your leadership team is. Internal newsletters Europe Email should focus on creating something valuable. Digestible. And engaging for your employees. This doesn’t mean you can’t include high-level company goals or updates; it’s good to keep your teams inform. However. It does require positioning your newsletter content in a way that employees can see how it relates to their role.