Marketing Automation: Automated Processes and B2B Campaigns

It’s high time to improve the collaboration between sales and marketing and to use the potential of customer data and leads. Automated Processes and It’s time for marketing automation in the B2B industry. In this article, we explain how B2B companies can benefit from marketing automation.

A more individual and personalized

Approach is necessary when customer contact becomes more digital

The larger the volume of leads, the more mobile phone number data updated 2025 important the automated evaluation and selection of leads becomes for sales .

Marketing automation becomes increasingly important the more the online shop contributes to annual sales .

And automation becomes more important the more leads you generate per month .

Human and financial resources are limited. B2B communication is becoming increasingly complex. Marketing automation provides help .

According to a recent study, lead generation and customer loyalty are the most important goals for digital marketing for B2B companies in 2021 (source: Automated Processes and eMinded). Personalization and individualization of communication have been important drivers for optimizing marketing for years.

And this is exactly where marketing automation the association’s purposes, its governance comes in. Marketing automation is a software-supported method for automating marketing processes. While in 2016 just 7% of B2B companies wanted to introduce a marketing automation system, according to a study by wob, this figure has risen to 42% in 2021. Without a suitable system that combines CRM, email marketing and analysis, the above goals can no longer be achieved efficiently.

Reasons for Marketing Automation

From the perspective of B2B companies, the introduction of marketing automation in the B2B industry is extremely important for three main reasons. On the one hand, the focus is on improving the collaboration between sales and marketing. Automated Processes and On the other hand, the efficient use of human and financial resources plays an important role.

In addition, a system is needed to handle customer b2c fax and lead data and to manage campaigns for . Personalized and individual communication with target groups. The database must be valid and should always be up to date . So that the work of the sales and marketing teams can be made easier.

Marketing automation is not only important

Lead generation and customer loyalty in B2B. Marketing automation is also indispensable for B2B companies with an online shop, as shop sales can be increased through marketing automation. This is particularly important because 20% of B2B companies want to generate over 50% of their sales online (source: Marketing Automation Study, wob).

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