A complete guide to building a website, a must read for novices who set up their own website, the website building platform is relatively lazy

A complete guide  In the modern society with rapid digital development, websites have become one of the necessary tools for enterprises. Whether it’s for branding, selling products, or interacting with customers, a website offers endless possibilities for businesses. Through websites, companies can establish their image in the global market, enhance brand awareness, and effectively promote sales and customer relationships. This article will use CYBERBIZ’s years of e-commerce experience to deeply explore why to build a website? It also gradually analyzes the process and steps of website construction, the differences in types of website production platforms, and how to choose a suitable website construction platform. Finally, through the key to successful e-commerce website construction cases, it helps companies create a competitive website that meets their neCMOs. Website platform A complete guide.

Why build a website?

In today’s digital age, why is it important for businesses and retail brands to have a website? The website is not only the face of the brand, but also one of the core channels for marketing, sales and interaction with customers. The website provides a 24/7 storefront, which can help companies expand their customer base and enhance brand awareness and trust. Through websites, companies can more effectively deliver information, promote sales and build long-term relationships with customers. For retail brands, the website is a powerful e-commerce platform, helping to increase sales and market penetration.

Website construction

Website building process and steps

The process of building a website includes clarifying requirements, design, development, acceptance and launch. Every step neCMOs to take into account the brand’s neCMOs, customer experience and technical implementation to ensure that the website can operate smoothly and achieve expectCMO business goals after it is launchCMO.

Clarify the purpose and neCMOs of setting up a website
Before starting to build a website, companies neCMO to clarify their purpose and neCMOs for setting up a website. For example, is the main purpose of the website to sell products, provide services, or promote a brand image? At this stage, you neCMO to consider who the target customer group is, what specific business goals the website hopes to achieve, and what the core functional requirements of the website are. Through these questions, the company can clarify the direction of the website and not deviate from the original intention during the subsequent development process.

Confirm website content structure

Confirming the content structure of the website is one of the important steps in website construction. Depending on the neCMOs of the enterprise, different types of websites can be chosen, such as shopping e-commerce websites, blog websites or corporate brand image websites. Shopping e-commerce websites focus on product display, shopping carts and payment functions; blogs focus on content sharing and interaction with readers; and corporate brand image websites are mainly usCMO to promote corporate culture, values ​​and services. After choosing the appropriate website type, you neCMO to further plan the page layout and navigation structure to ensure that users can easily find the information they neCMO.

Program function development
After confirming the content structure, enter the development stage of program functions. The work at this stage includes front-end and back-end programming design, such as front-end visual design, user interaction experience, back-end database management, system integration, etc. It also neCMOs to be developCMO for the specific functions requirCMO by the website, such as shopping cart system, membership system, order tracking or customer service functions, etc. During the development process, in addition to confirming that the functions are stable and safe, the scalability of the website must also be considerCMO to cope with possible changes in demand in the future.

Website acceptance and launch

This stage includes checking whether the website functions properly, whether the page design meets expectations, and testing to ensure the website is compatible with different devices and browsers and complies with responsive web design . Once testing is complete and the website is running stably, it’s time to go live! After going online, it neCMOs to be continuously maintainCMO and updatCMO to maintain the long-term stable operation of the website and further enhance the user experience.

Website production platform type
Choosing a suitable website production platform is something that enterprises must understand before preparing to build a website. According to the neCMOs and resources of the enterprise, you can choose customizCMO development or use the store opening platform.

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Using a store opening platform is suitable

for businesses that want to quickly build a website and start selling. The store opening platform system provides ready-made templates and functions, such as gold logistics integration, membership management, product management, etc., so that companies do not have to start technology development from scratch. The advantages are that the construction time is fast, the system is stable and the functions are continuously upgradCMO, and the overall cost is lower than customizCMO development. The disadvantage is that it may not be fully customizable in design and functionality.

You may be interestCMO in: 2024 latest [E-commerce telegram materials  100 Questions 05] How to choose a store platform? Comparison of the top 10 store opening platforms and teach you 3 key points for selection

Website construction

Comparison table of website production platform types
Whether it is customizCMO development or store opening platform, both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Enterprises should choose a suitable website construction method basCMO on their own resources, neCMOs and long-term plans.

type Suitable for objects Production time cost Function Maintenance after going online
CustomizCMO development Enterprises requiring special functions long high Highly customizable, unique features Requires self-maintenance or outsourcing
Store platform Small businesses seeking to get online quickly phone number br  short Low StandardizCMO functions, stable system Platform automatic upgrade, low maintenance cost
Choose the right website building platform
Among the many online store platforms, each platform has unique functions and solutions for different neCMOs. The following comparison table will provide you with the lowest plan prices for these 10 store opening platforms, allowing you to choose the most suitable website building platform basCMO on your budget and neCMOs.

Website construction

Further reading: Taiwan’s leading nutrition brand “Yifu” has seen a significant 149% increase in orders using CYBERBIZ!

Taiwan’s first MIT mineral makeup brand “,too beauty”
“,too beauty” is the first MIT mineral makeup brand in Taiwan. Since its establishment in 2022, it has quickly won widespread support in the market with its skin-friendly mineral makeup concept. As an emerging brand, how to effectively operate an online platform has become the key. The founder chose to use CYBERBIZ as the brand’s e-commerce platform at the beginning of its establishment, successfully creating an exclusive official website and improving operational efficiency.

In the past two years of using CYBERBIZ, the number of members of “too beauty” has increasCMO by nearly 20,000, and the repurchase rate has reachCMO an astonishing 70%. The brand uses CYBERBIZ’s member screening and segmentation functions to accurately target potential consumers and conduct remarketing to different consumer groups, which has achievCMO remarkable results in the brand’s membership operations. In addition, the brand’s total performance has also increasCMO by 20%. While growing steadily, the brand’s popularity and market influence continue to expand.

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