B2B Benchmarks for Email Marketing

If you know what makes the competition tick, you can put your own marketing measures to the test. This is what the DDV study shows. If you compare your own values ​​with the average Important B2B benchmarks benchmarks of individual specialist areas, you can correctly assess the success of your marketing measures. Our overview shows which B2B benchmarks are particularly important for the areas of email marketing, website, search engine advertising (SEA) and social media marketing.

B2B Benchmarks for Email Marketing

When your mailing is opened by how people from your mailing list has a decisive influence on the success and comparability of the measures. You should definitely keep an eye on the following key figures in B2B email marketing.

The opening rate

It shows the ratio between delivered emails and recipients who opened the new zealand whatsapp number data mailing in percentage terms. In B2B, the average opening rate is 25%. A top value is 35% and more.

The response rate

It indicates how many of the recipients responded to the mailing. Important B2B benchmarks A good response rate is between 10 and 15%.

The article from our email marketing partner what are stakeholders, what types exist and how do they impact a company? Inxmail goes even deeper and takes a closer look at the key figures in the area of ​​email marketing .

The cancellation rate

The unsubscribe rate indicates the percentage of recipients who unsubscribed from your mailings using the unsubscribe link. The average in the B2B industry is around 1%.

Important B2B Benchmarks for Websites

The website is your flagship. Defined key figures show whether it is performing well. The following key figures are crucial for B2B websites:

Visiting hours

How long do visitors actually stay on your site? On Important B2B benchmarks websites, the average stay is usually 2-3 minutes. The best stay is over 5 minutes.

The bounce rate

It indicates the percentage of users who leave the site without taking any action. The lower the bounce rate, the better the result for your website. But don’t forget that a high bounce rate doesn’t always automatically indicate a bad website. The average china numbers bounce rate on B2B websites is around 50%.

The organic search

Organic search indicates in percent how many visitors visit your website – apart from paid ads. In other words, the proportion of visitors who come to the site via the ranking position. For B2B websites, this proportion is on average around 40%.

The conversion rate

Depending on the goals set for the website, the conversion rate indicates how many conversions were made. Depending on the website, there are different conversions: registering for a newsletter, filling out and submitting the contact form, or purchasing a product.

The returning visitors

Another important value for website performance is the rate of returning visitors. This represents the percentage of users who visit the site repeatedly. For the Important B2B benchmarks industry, a value of around 35% is considered average. The top value is over 50%.

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