Winda transiska putri is a student of the psychology study program at tarumanagara university (untar) class of 2020. Winda, who is currently entering her 4th semester of lectures, shared stories about her experience studying at the untar psychology study program and her aspirations for the future.
Even though currently the lecture program still has to be done online. Winda doesn’t feel there are any obstacles to being able to gain knowledge. This is because the learning process is still the same as when it. Is offline , as practice is still being held by recording oneself according to the directions given by.
According to winda, the online learning process remains effective because
The role of the teaching lecturers is very Cayman Islands Phone Number List communicative and always on time, so that online lectures are very enjoyable to follow.
After completing her undergraduate education in the untar psychology study program, winda has the desire to be able to immediately continue her tertiary education to a higher level, namely the masters masters program. Later in the master’s program, winda wants to major in clinical psychology. This is because winda aspires to be able to open her own psychological practice so that she can help people who need clinical assistance.
Danacita’s visit to the untar campus
Reported directly from the indonesian association. Of clinical psychologists (ipk) website , clinical psychology. Is a field of psychology that aims to understand, prevent, and. Reduce disabilities, distractions and discomfort that. Cause Europe Email psychological problems in the adjustment and. Development of the human person.
Apart from the constant interactive learning from. The teaching lecturers, winda is also active in several student activities such .As being a core member of the psychology bulletin (buksi). At buksi, winda is part of a division whose role is to. Create video content that aims to provide education about. Psychology. Apart from that, winda, who also has a writing .Hobby, was entrusted by gramedia to be. A reviewer for a writing competition held by gramedia.