Demanding too much from the client

What to do?

Remove everything that is not directly aim , at achieving the main goal of the one-pager – selling the product. To do this, you will have to set priorities and sacrifice some information. If you tell everything at once, there is a risk that the most important thing will be overlook ,.

Mistake #7: Violating generally accept , standards.


To capture the client’s shop attention, an original approach to website design is necessary. This rule is especially important for landing pages, but there are exceptions. Trying to interpret traditional elements of a sales page in your own way can play a cruel joke on you.

Imagine a car that has no steering column, and the steering wheel is mount , directly on the front seat. To say that it is unusual is to say nothing, and it is unlikely to push you to buy. Of course, because a car with a familiar arrangement of parts is much more convenient to drive.

What to do?

Don’t try to reinvent the we are looking for partnerships, not atms to draw from wheel. Define key rules for your one-page design and don’t break them. For example, a phone number is always in the upper right corner. Clients subconsciously expect to see it there, so changing the location of the element is completely unjustifi ,.

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Mistake #8: .

It is not so easy to come to b2c fax terms with this, but the fact remains: selling goods through one-page sites is impossible without competent work of the manager. Often, the site exists only to present the product to the user and get his contact information. At this stage, we are talking about “cold clients”, from whom you cannot expect an unconditional readiness to place an order.  

Nowadays it is difficult to find a unique product. Most likely, you also have competitors offering similar goods. Therefore, provide the client with all the necessary information and ensure maximum convenience of using the site.

What to do?

The site should unobtrusively prompt the user to leave you contact information. This will allow the manager to contact the potential buyer, answer his questions and close the deal.


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