Faculties and Departments at Poltekpar Prima

If you want to study at poltekpar prima, you can choose a variety of excellent study programs in the major tourism sector. Here is a list of 3 excellent study programs that you can choose at poltekpar prima:

Bachelor of applied (d4) hospitality management
Learning in the hospitality management Faculties and Departments at  study program uses a curriculum compiled based on the kkni and meets the asean mra (mutual recognition arrangement) on tourism professionals standards, and includes competency standards in the tourism sector accstp ( asean common competency standards for tourism professionals ) and catc ( common asean tourism) . Curriculum ) according to mra standards.

Bachelor of applied (d4) convention & event management (mice)

In the convention and event management (mice) study program

You will learn about how to make an event plan which includes (1) planning programevent ideas and concepts, (2) promotion planning Algeria Phone Number List through various media efforts, (3) event financial planning, ( d) planning for supporting resources, and (4) risk planning.

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Diploma three (d3) hospitality
In this hospitality study program, students are expected to be able to independently and in groups provide excellent service in hotel operations (hotel front office, housekeeping, baking and pastry management), food management (culinary art) and serving according to five-star hotel standards. With attention to occupational safety and health

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Registration procedure at the new student admissions (pmb) poltekpar prima

When you have determined your future career. To work in the tourism sector, the selection of a university. Has a very important role to be able to open up opportunities. In the future. So, here’s information about how to register. To be able to take part in the poltekpar prima new student. Admissions (pmb) process that you can use as a .Reference if you have Europe Email made poltekpar prima the choice to pursue higher education that focuses on tourism:

Prospective new students register online or through the campus pmb committee or expo activities held by the prima poltekpar
If prospective new students register online, then prospective new students will receive e-mail information via the e-mail that has been registered
Payment for medical tests via bank transfer or cash. After making a payment for a medical test, prospective new students can confirm payment for a medical test
Furthermore, prospective new students Therefore,  can print usm cards and medical tests
At this stage, prospective new students will carry out the usm process, submit initial requirements & medical tests
After carrying out the usm process, the Faculties and Departments at  announcement of the usm results will be informed
If prospective students graduate according to the results of the announcement of usm results, then prospective new students can re-register.
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In addition, there are several documents that Therefore,  new student candidates must prepare before registering at the prima polytechnic, including:

Color photo 4×6 2 sheets (red background),

Photocopies of report cards from semesters 1-5 or photocopies of diplomas
Insert the file into the folder (d4 is red, d3 is blue and 1 year is yellow.

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