Janabadra University PMB Registration Procedure

To continue studying in college, of course you want to know what are the advantages of the campus.

Janabadra university besides having advantages in terms of facilities, this campus is also easy to reach by any public transportation.

Graduates from janabadra university will become competent individuals, because they are taught by lecturers who are highly skilled and experienced in their fields.

In addition, this campus also has many study programs.

How ? Are you interested in continuing your studies at janabadra university?

Following are the procedures for registering new student admissions at janabadra university.

Janabadra university pmb registration procedure
There are several paths that you can choose at pmb janabadra university. For acceptance of new students (pmb) on the achievement path, you are only required to prepare.

A photocopy of your class xii certificate and report card

And for the achievement path, acceptance of prospective students (pmb) without carrying out the test stage . But only based on the achievements El-Salvador Phone Number List or talents or interests that you have. With an average un score of 8 and above or winners I – iii at international or national levels in the field of art or sports or science and technology (science and technology).

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In addition to the two methods above, janabadra university also opens employee class pmb, lecture activities that start in the afternoon until late at night.

There are also lanes for moving. This path is continued in accordance with the credits that are recognized.

This registration must attach transcripts and photocopies of diplomas

All registrations can be carried out online as well. Every monday – friday at 08.00 – 15.00. However, to carry out the test phase, it is still carried out offline .
Janabadra university and Europe Email danacita have officially collaborated to provide affordable educational financing solutions for new students and active students at janabadra university.

The collaboration between danacita and janabadra university is to provide an installment program solution for new student admissions (pmb) as well as active students at janabadra university. By participating in the danacita installment program, prospective students and active students at janabadra university can pay their tuition fees in stages.

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