Latest and Most Complete ITNY PMB Information

The yogyakarta national institute of technology is a private university in yogyakarta that focuses on technology and technopreneurship.

This campus is suitable for those of you who really like studying technology.

Well, this is just right. Currently, itn yogyakarta is accepting new students.

Itn yogyakarta has many study programs that are of interest to many people .

The following is a brief review for those of you who wish to continue your lecture studies at the national institute of technology.

Yogyakarta national institute of technology
Yogyakarta national institute of technology is a tertiary institution located in yogyakarta.

This campus was founded in 1973.

It is under the auspices of the yogyakarta national technology education foundation

It has the aim of producing excellent graduates, producing human resources that are able to compete at the national and international levels, and this campus has also received institutional accreditation with a b rating.

Not only that, this campus is also active in student activities.

With these various smes available, this Ecuador Phone Number List can be a place to channel hobbies, develop interests, talents, hobbies, and creativity. What you have.

 Phone Number List

Not only channeling interests and talents, ukmactivities within the itny environment are also continuously encouraged to make achievements.

This can make students to appear superior in various competitions and more qualified and competent to be able and ready to compete globally.

To get to know the college more closely, danacita provides information on faculties and majors for those of you who want to take part in new student admissions at itn yogyakarta.

Faculties and departments

The yogyakarta national institute of technology offers educational programs such as undergraduate

vocational (d3) and postgraduate (s2). Here are some of the faculties at itny:

Electronics engineering (d3 and s1), this department is also called electrical engineering. This study program is part of the engineering field that studies, designs and applies electrical components.
Mechanical engineering (d3 and s1), studying Europe Email engineering that handles the design, production and operation of machines. These graduates will work in the automotive industry or company.
Civil engineering (s1), covers the technology of designing, building, and maintaining and repairing buildings. These graduates can work as engineers, construction managers, patent attorneys or many others.
Regional and city planning (s1), the scope of which studies starting from a small scale, namely rt to the city scale and a wider scale. These graduates can work in government agencies, private sector, lms,
Mining engineering (s1), the study of the mining process of valuable minerals and coal. These graduates will have careers in the copper, coal, gold, tin, etc. Industries.
Geological engineering (s1 and s2), studying the science of the earth based on its aspects. These graduates will work in the field of geology, such as geological researchers, mining experts and geologists.

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