Latest Janabadra University PMB Information

Janabadra university is one of the favorite campuses located in yogyakarta. This campus has been accredited b based on the decision of the national accreditation board for higher education.

In addition, janabadra university also offers a variety of majors that are in great demand by the current generation. Some of these majors can be used as choices for prospective students who wish to continue their studies at the campus.

For those of you who want to continue your studies to. The lecture level and are still confused about where to continue, you can really register at pmb janabadra university.

All janabadra university pmb registrations are done online

So there’s no need to bother anymore. The following is complete information about the acceptance of new students (pmb) at janabadra university, which danacita summarizes for you.

Janabadra university
Before discussing new student Egypt Phone Number List admissions, it would be nice to first find out more about the campus.

 Phone Number List

Janabadra university (ujb) is one of the leading and oldest private universities in yogyakarta.

This campus has a goal to develop the potential of students to become human beings with a national perspective and cultured in the interests of the nation.

Providing the growth of entrepreneurial spirit, technopreneurship and also sociopreneurship among academicians.

Janabadra university has various faculties and study programs

That are no less interesting. What are you doing ?

Faculty and study program at janabadra university
Here are some faculties and Europe Email study programs that you can choose from when joining janabadra university’s new student admissions (pmb).

Faculty of law, within this faculty there are 2 study programs, namely: law and master of law. Graduates from these two majors have occupied various jobs in both the government and private companies.
Faculty of economics and business, within this faculty there are 4 study programs, namely: management economics, accounting economics, development economics, and masters in management.

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