Defany sapta cahya rachmat is a student. In the visual communication design (dkv) study program .At president university, class of 2020. Defany, who is currently. Entering his 5th semester, wants to share stories with danacita about. His experience studying in the visual communication. Design study program and what steps he took to. Achieve his goals. -his dream in the future.
Lectures started in 2020 when the Lecture Experience at President pandemic had just happened, Defany shared what it was like to study online. At the beginning of his studies, the teaching and learning process was not running smoothly. However, over time everything went smoothly without any drawbacks. What he likes when studying online is intense use of computers.
Defany chose to major in visual communication
Design at President University for several reasons. Initially he took the entrance examination at a state university, but he did not pass. Because Thailand Phone Number List he did not want to wait any longer to realize his educational dream, he finally decided to continue his education at a private university. The private university he chose was President University. The reason why he chose to major in visual communication design is because he has a high interest in fine arts.
According to Defany, he is actually ‘ comfortable ‘ to conduct lectures online. Moreover, this has been confirmed by a circular letter from the Lecture Experience at President campus stating that the teaching and learning process will temporarily be held online. So besides maintaining health, he can save money on transportation costs. However, for some courses, some are hybrid in nature.
So he is required to attend this lecture session face to face on campus
There are several dreams that Defany wants to fulfill, when she was studying in the visual communication design department, she Europe Email dreamed of becoming a voice cover in an animated film. His second dream is that he wants to be involved in making animated films. Because he really likes the development of art in these two fields.