New Student PMB Faculty of Law FH UNHAS

Hasanuddin university’s faculty of law or also known as unhas’s faculty. Of law is one of the oldest faculties at hasanuddin university (unhas) which. Was founded on march 3, 1952 in accordance with the decree. Of the minister of education and culture number 3399kab. At the beginning of its establishment, the faculty of law unhas. Was a branch of the faculty of law and public knowledge. At the university of indonesia. Fh unhas then became. One of the pioneers of the birth of hasanuddin university together. With the faculty of economics and the faculty. Of medicine on september 9, 1956.

Furthermore, in 2021, the faculty of law unhas won rank ii as the best faculty

The faculty of law unhas has also Jordan Phone Number List been equipped with various facilities that can be used to support the success of teaching, learning and research activities for students at the faculty of law unhas, including:

Faculty of law laboratories, such as legal clinic units and legal consultation and aid units).

 Phone Number List

for complete information about facilities and infrastructure at the faculty of law unhas, please visit the official website of the faculty of law unhas here .

Education program at the faculty of law (fh) unhas
Here are some excellent study programs that you can choose from at the faculty of law unhas:


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Danacita: solution for payment of tuition fees at new student admissions (pmb) faculty of law (fh) unhas
Danacita is a financial technology Europe Email company, which aims to expand access to education in indonesia. By providing a financing platform in stages for students and professionals. Danacita and the unhas faculty of law have collaborated to provide affordable educational financing solutions for unhas faculty of law students to finance their studies.

The collaboration held by danacita and fh unhas is by holding a monthly installment program with installments of up to 24 months for prospective students at the fh unhas new student admissions (pmb).

By participating in this program, prospective fh unhas students can pay tuition fees per semester in monthly installments according to the duration chosen by the student.


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