Opening Access Paths Towards Dreams and Knowledge

On february 23, 2022, gita wirjawan, who was the. Former minister of trade during the period. Of president susilo bambang yudhoyono, on his youtube channel. With an episode of endgame, discussed.How to pave indonesia’s path to dreams and knowledge. With ketty lie, who is the co-founder of erudifi, which operates as danacita in indonesia.With the question “How to contribute to a more advanced and cool indonesia in 2045?”, the discussion began.

Gita wirjawan thinks that in order to bring about change

There needs to be an understanding of policy analysis in order to be able to provide solutions to various problems, especially structural France Phone Number List ones. In addition, this should not only be done in the government, but also in the business world and non-profit businesses.

Ketty lie sees that in an effort to change a system that is structural in nature, it can be started from the environment, such as from a community. Why is that?

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“Because if you follow the old way, for example by only building facilities such as schools, hospitals and others without a system, then it will not have an impact in the end,” said ketty lie.

Furthermore, ketty lie also questione.

What can change indonesia and be sustainable and can really

Change the state of reality and the potential that indonesia has?

According to him, one way is by building human resources. This is the reason behind erudifi’s establishment, with the aim of Europe Email focusing on self-investment or investing in ourselves, and one of the ways is through education.

Ketty lie sees that in indonesia, only 30% of people are able to continue their education to university and 70% still don’t have the opportunity. The basic reason that is often found is economic ability or limited funds.

“Erudifi-danacita hopes to be able to open access. For students to be able to dream as high as possible. And achieve their goals without. The need to lower standards, this is also the background. To the name danacita,” he said.

Ketty lie hopes that there will be a lot of awareness. About finances by investing in the long term, namely education. Gita wirjawan also sees that society must begin. To realize that education is not a consumptive. Investment, but a useful investment especially for oneself.

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