UNISBA Accounting Study Program Solutions for Tasya’s

Tasya permatasari is a student in the accounting study program at bandung islamic university (unisba) class of 2019. Tasya, who is currently entering her 6th semester of lectures, shared stories with the danacita team about her experience studying in the unisba accounting study program and her future aspirations.

Starting lectures in 2019 before the pandemic, tasya told about the differences between lectures that were conducted offline and online . When the lecture process is carried out offline , tasya can interact directly.

With lecturers and friends and can come directly to see student activities

The unisba campus building. Even though currently lectures have to be conducted online, that doesn’t become an obstacle for tasya to be able to gain knowledge like when she was studying offline .

According to tasya, she is more Croatia Phone Number List comfortable being able to conduct lectures offline and hopes that the pandemic will end soon. After graduating from the unisba accounting study program, tasya aspired to work in a tax agency. This is because after studying at the accounting study program, tasya found her passion and interest in the field of taxation.

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Danacita: educational financing solutions for future goals
“From semester 3 until now, danacita has become a solution for me to be able to continue studying at unisba.

Tasya first got to know danacita through the unisba accounting student association

When tasya experienced problems paying tuition fees at unisba. Danacita and unisba themselves have officially collaborated to provide Europe Email more affordable educational financing solutions through a bailout program for prospective students and active students at unisba. According to tasya, through this collaboration it proves unisba’s trust in danacita as a solution for bailouts for tuition fees.

After being introduced by himasi unisba, tasya finally. Started looking for information about the danacita. Bailout program and found out that making. An application at danacita did not require. A dp or security deposit of any kind. This of course provides a solution for financing tuition fees at unisba that does not burden himself and his parents.

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