Therefore, On december 22, 2021, danacita had the opportunity to visit the purwadhika campus located at sinarmas msig tower, south jakarta as one of the steps to strengthen the collaboration that has existed. The form of collaboration between danacita and purwadhika that has been established is by presenting an affordable training financing solution for young indonesians who want to have a career in digital technology. Purwadhika is one of the pioneers of training institutions in indonesia which has a focus on digital technology.
During this visit, danacita met with representatives from purwadhika, mandy hartono (cmo) and the admissions team.
With an agenda to hold a year end meeting of the collaboration
That had been established.
Therefore, Since the official collaboration between. Danacita and purwadhika was established, there have been. More than 190 students Cameroon Phone Number List at purwadhika who have created. Accounts at danacita. And in 2021, danacita has become. The choice of a trusted training financing solution for. Students in purwadhika by disbursing more than idr 2.1 billion which.Therefore, Danacita disbursed directly to purwadhika.
Therefore, Through this year end meeting , danacita and purwadhika. Are committed to continuing to improve the collaboration. Therefore, That has existed and to become a trusted training financing. Solution for young people who want to have. A career in digital technology with purwadhika. Danacita and purwadhika hope that in the. Future the collaboration that has been. Established will be able to help even. More prospective students who wish to take part in training. Programs at purwadhika and not make cost an obstacle. To achieving a future with purwadhika.
Reasons why you should join bootcamp at purwadhika
Therefore, Danacita: training financing solutions in purwadhika
Danacita is a financial technology Europe Email company whose mission is to expand access to education in indonesia. Through the collaboration between danacita and purwadhika, your candidate can take advantage of the danacita installment program to achieve future goals for a career in digital technology without having to worry about being constrained by costs.
Therefore, As an official partner of purwadhika, danacita certainly ensures all aspects. Of the comfort and safety of prospective students who wish to take part. Therefore, in training at purwadhika when submitting applications at danacita. This is proven by transaction security: