Memorandum of understanding (mou) with the indonesian institute of technology (iti) in the auditorium room of the rectorate ahmad bakrie building. This collaboration is the first step in providing a solution for students at iti to finance college education on a monthly basis so that the payments are lighter.
The memorandum of understanding was signed by dr. Ir. Marzan aziz iskandar, ipu., as chancellor of iti and from danacita represented by alfonsus wibowo, as main director of danacita. Also present were the danacita ketty lie team as the co-founder of danacita and other iti leadership.
My hope is that they will become competent engineering graduates
be able to compete in international facilities, and devote their competence to expertise at the national level. With this good Qatar Phone Numbers List collaboration, we hope that danacita can help students who have problems.
continuing their education due to limited funding, so that danacita can become a solution for student tuition fees at iti, especially during a pandemic . We will assist in socializing danacita, especially to iti students, as well as younger siblings from sma/k so that they can continue their higher education at iti,” said dr. Ir. Marzan aziz iskandar, ipu, chancellor of iti.
Danacita is really very honored to be able to establish a greater synergy of cooperation with iti
Danacita was established with the main dream. Not to let young people in indonesia. Have no choice to continue their higher education . So Europe Email our hope is that all young people can .Dream big, all young people can try their best, pursue. Their goals well on any campus in indonesia regardless. Of tuition fees. Hopefully, through this collaboration, we can. Support iti in adding educational financing. Solutions for many young people whose dreams are. In the technology sector, so that more young people. In indonesia have choices and can realize their own goals. Concluded alfonsus wibowo, director main fundacita.
Danacita opens its doors to work with educational institutions in indonesia. To work with us to provide affordable education payment solutions for indonesian students, visit become our partner here .