Studying at Sampoerna University with Danacita

Through the official partnership between sampoerna university and danacita, now you don’t have to worry anymore about paying for your education at sampoerna university. The collaboration held by danacita and sampoerna university is by holding an affordable monthly installment program for sampoerna university new student admissions (pmb).

By applying for installments to danacita, prospective pmb sampoerna university students can directly finance their education on a monthly basis, ranging from 6 to 24 months.

The following is a simulation of installments at pmb

Faculty of engineering and technology, business, and education
Take advantage of the multi-semester Tunisia Phone Number List installment feature: one time submission to danacita, for funding tuition fees for 4 semesters at once
Mechanical engineering & industrial engineering
Take advantage of the multi-semester installment feature: one time submission to danacita, for funding tuition fees for 4 semesters at once.

 Phone Number List

Option option 1: 6 months installment option 2: 12 months installments option 3: 24 months installments

Computer science, electrical computer engineering, information systems, applied computing
Take advantage of the multi-semester installment feature: one time submission to danacita, for funding tuition fees for 4 semesters at once!

Option option 1: 6 months installment option 2: 12 months installments option 3: 24 months installments

Take advantage of the multi-semester installment feature

one time submission to danacita, for funding tuition fees for 4 semesters at once!

Take advantage of the multi-semester installment feature: one time submission to danacita

for funding tuition fees for 4 semesters at once!

Take advantage of the multi-semester Europe Email installment feature: one time submission to danacita, for funding tuition fees for 4 semesters at once!

How to apply for multi-semester installments at danacita
For those of you who want to take advantage of the multi-semester installment program through danacita for paying tuition fees at pmb sampoerna university, here are some steps to submit that you can follow:

Visit the danacita website at danacita.Co.Id here to be able to access the registration link for pmb sampoerna university
You can fill in your personal and guardian data
Upload proof of invoice from letter of acceptance (loa) obtained from pmb sampoerna university
Make sure the mobile number that you registered (whether it’s a student or guardian), can be contacted by the danacita verifier team
Check the status of your application in your danacita account
Come on, make your studies more affordable with danacita!


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