If the product is sold during a certain season (for example, New Year trees), this point is not so important. But for landing pages that operate constantly, relevance is one of the key criteria. New offers ti , to time should constantly appear on them.
As an example, we will give typical promotions us , when selling smartphones:
- Buy a phone and get a case as a gift.
- All Samsung smartphones are 15% cheaper.
- 10% discount mobile database for pickup.
- Birthday people receive a 20% discount (upon presentation of an ID).
- Battery for half price when purchasing from 5000 rubles.
What to do?
Create a plan of events when you think you have all the answers for the coming year. First, sketch out all possible options for advantageous offers in the form of discounts, bonuses and gifts, and then distribute them over the select , period. Determine the most favorable time for holding a particular promotion: tie it to the appropriate season or holiday date.
Mistake #3: .
Source: shutterstock.com
Icons that represent special benefits of working with a company have long become a traditional element of landing page design. However, there is not always a real meaning behind them, because you first ne , to find out what qualities you actually possess that are attractive to clients.
What to do?
Don’t choose emotional b2c fax characteristics as advantages that have no material embodiment (unless, of course, you offer animator services). It’s better to focus on real benefits for customers. Free delivery, warranty repairs, useful gifts – that’s what really hooks potential buyers.
How to achieve multiple growth in traffic and sales from your website?
Dmitry Svistunov
Head of SEO and Development
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I have always been concern , about the issue of moving to a fundamentally new level. So that the indicators would grow not by 2 or 3 times, but by several orders of magnitude. From a thousand visits to ten thousand or from ten thousand to a hundr , thousand, if we are talking about a website, for example.