Corporate fundraising, unity is strength

When we think of corporate? the business world? we imagine great Corporate fundraising contributions and little give? as they say? little effort? because they just need to put the logo here and there? count the number of possible contacts and they are happy.

Nothing could be more wrong

Anna Fabbricotti ? a fundraiser for over 20 years with a Corporate fundraising specialization in large donors and companies? explains the reasons . Enjoy the read.

First? because the Italian economic fabric is made up of PMI ? small? medium japan phone number library and medium-large companies that do not always have much liquidity. Large corporations? multinationals and the like are just a few thousand.

Second? because the choice to support and participate in a social project is increasingly the result of a specific desire to participate in the common welfare system ? to be recognized actors within the social system.

Businesses and entrepreneurs increasingly want to be protagonists. Often marketing the software they have no idea how to do it because it is something very different from their core business . We? on the other hand? do and we know very well what and how they could intervene.

So why not join forces?

They have the means? the ability to communicate? sometimes experience igermany cell number n project or event management? contacts. We have a mission ? high goals to achieve? the ability to carry out social activities? to involve many people? to always find solutions.

They often need to involve employees? to do team building. We often need volunteers.

And we could go on.

There are many synergies. It’s just a matter of finding the right company: the one that is most sensitive to your mission; the one that is in your territory; the one that shares similar values.

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