Danacita Presents the Campus Ambassador Program

As part of its direct contribution to society, danacita is holding the sahabatdanacita program. This program is intended for students from universities that have partnered with danacita.

Danacita itself is a financial technology company that focuses on providing education funding for students in higher education institutions and professionals who wish to improve their skills through courses.

Danacita is also one of the few fintech companies

Licensed and supervised by the ojk whose mission is to. Expand access to education and training for all indonesian. People by providing financial access. To further education.

Currently there are more Netherlands Mobile Number List than 80 sahabatdanacita. People spread across danacita partner campuses such. As president university, bandung islamic university. (unisba), pembangunan jaya university (upj), tarumanagara. University, paramadina university, stmik primakara and it pln.

 Phone Number List

Currently indonesia is experiencing a demographic bonus with the proportion of the productive age population reaching 70.72%. However, of this large number, only 8.5 percent of the total population successfully graduated from tertiary education. Through the sahabatdanacita program, we hope to reach the widest possible community and be part of improving education in indonesia, through a phased financing solution.” said ketty lie, co-founder of danacita.

By participating in the sahabatdanacita program

Students are expected. To be able to gain wider access in building cross-campus networks, developing skills through training, as well as additional income through referral programs . Apart from that, sahabatdanacita also has a role in raising awareness. And understanding among classmates and even the campus environment regarding financial literacy and educational financing solutions through gradual payments.

“Joining the sahabatdanacita program from paramadina university is a. Great step towards realizing the aspirations  Europe Email of young indonesians to be able to enjoy college at an affordable cost, an easy process, and comfortable installments on the campus they dream of.” said jianly imanuel, friend of danacita from paramadina university.

Several ways for SahabatDanacita to provide this understanding are by providing information about education installment options through their respective social media content, not forgetting the one containing the referral code that is entered. When a recommended friend wants to apply for financing to Danacita.

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