It includes demographic information on the accounts you’ve reache. Including top countries. Top cities. Top age ranges. And gender. Accounts engage – this reveals the number of unique accounts that have interacte with your content and provides a breakdown (like above) of each. Total followers -this reveals the number of people who follow you and you can track whether you have gaine or lost followers over time. This also includes an ‘active times’ section so you can see the times your followers are most active (useful for figuring out the best times to post on instagram). You can also look at insights for individual posts such as videos. Posts. Reels. Or ig live.
The metrics here are
The metrics here are: accounts reache – this is the number of unique accounts that have seen your content at least once. It includes demographic information on the new database accounts you’ve reache. Including top countries. Top cities. Top age ranges. And gender. Accounts engage – this reveals the number of unique accounts that have interacte with your content and provides a breakdown (like above) of each. Content interactions – this looks at the actions people take when engaging with your content including likes. Comments. Shares. Saves. And replies ad – this provides more information if your post has been booste or paid for as a part of paid advertising on instagram.
Deeme the new ‘like’ by marketers
Plays – this insight shows the number of plays on a video (automatic play or from a through-click) tip: you should also look at ‘save’. Deeme the new ‘like’ by Europe Email marketers as it’s a way to see what content instagram users are earmarking as worth revisiting or sharing. Why choose dmi? How to use instagram analytics data is all very well to have. But what you nee are data insights for your marketing. As with any channel. It’s important to get clear insights to drive performance and growth on instagram. Let’s look at what metrics you can use to do that. Follower growth this insight is important as it shows your follower count and can link a spike or dip to a particular campaign or timeframe. So if you see a big jump in followers.