On december 23, 2021, danacita as an official partner of bina sarana informatics university (ubsi) made a working visit to the ubsi campus. This working visit is intended to re-evaluate the cooperation that has been established. The form of collaboration that is established is through an education financing program that is more affordable on a monthly basis for prospective students and active students at bina sarana informatika university (ubsi).
Danacita and bina sarana informatika university (ubsi) are committed to providing convenience in the education financing process for prospective students and active students at bina sarana informatika university (ubsi) so they can achieve their future goals in peace.
During this visit, danacita was warmly welcomed
The head of bsi group where danacita had the opportunity to. Inform the results of the collaboration that has been established with bsi.
Since officially collaborating, danacita has Honduras Phone Number List received more. Than 2,000 bina sarana informatika university (ubsi) students who have. Created accounts at danacita. To enhance this. Existing collaboration. Danacita and bina sarana informatika university (ubsi) are. Again providing more practical and affordable financing. Solutions through a multi-semester installment program.
Therefore, By submitting a multi-semester installment. Program at danacita, prospective students and active students at bina. Sarana informatics university (ubsi) can directly finance. Their education for up to 4 semesters. At once in just 1 application. Certainly, this multi-semester installment program. Will make it easy for prospective students and active. Students to achieve their future. Goals with bina sarana informatika university (ubsi).
In addition danacita is committed to being a solution for students
Therefore, At bina sarana informatika university (ubsi). This is done by actively socializing prospective students and active students at the bina Europe Email sarana informatics university (ubsi) that cost is no longer an obstacle to being able to achieve future goals.
Therefore, Danacita is a financial technology company whose mission is to expand access to education in indonesia. Through the collaboration between danacita and bina sarana informatika university (ubsi), prospective students and active students at bina sarana informatika university (ubsi) can take advantage of regular installment programs and multi-semester installment programs to achieve future goals without having to worry about being constrained by tuition fees.