Malang Welcome 2022 with Affordable Education Funding for Students

Danacita, a technology-based company, continues to realize its commitment to providing gradual education financing solutions in indonesia by adding university partners through collaboration with the national institute of technology (itn) malang. On january 20, 2022 a memorandum of understanding (mou) was signed , as well as the signing of the cooperation agreement (pks/moa) text online .

The signing of the mou and moa was attended by the leadership and institutions under the auspices of the malang national institute of technology who were present offline in the itn malang campus rectorium meeting room. Also present virtually were ketty lie as the co-founder of danacita and alfonsus wibowo as the main director of danacita.

The danacita program is very attractive as a loan for educational expenses

We hope that the collaboration with danacita as a third. Party can help with monthly tuition financing patterns, thereby. Facilitating the Estonia Phone Number List learning and operational process at itn.Malang . We also hope that parents and students. Are interested in using this facility, so that there. Are no more students who

experience cost.

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Constraints and can graduate on time. In addition, with this mou we from itn malang. Will also assist in conveying education installment. Information for new students and active students. Said abraham lomi, msee., chancellor. Of the malang national institute of technology.

Therefore, danacita continues to add to the list of university partners in order to reach all students in indonesia.

Danacita opens its doors to work with educational institutions in indonesia

To work with us to provide affordable education payment solutions for indonesian students, visit become our partner here .

“Danacita was established in 2018 with the main concern being that there is no solution for education costs. We are worried that prospective Europe Email tudents will not be able to choose the education they want due to financial constraints. Danacita’s simple dream is that all students can have a choice, because we believe that the biggest decision for teenagers is to choose higher education to prepare for their future. We hope that the educational financing solutions offered by danacita will be real wherever prospective students are, especially in the city of malang.

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