Trust Danacita as a Solution for Tuition Fees

As one of the best private tertiary institutions in indonesia, of course tarumanagara university (untar) is a favorite destination for prospective new students. Therefore, tarumanagara university (untar) is officially collaborating with danacita to provide affordable education financing solutions.

Tarumanagara university or also known as untar is one of the oldest private universities in indonesia and has a world-class educational environment.

Through an official collaboration between danacita and tarumanagara university (untar), danacita provides affordable education financing solutions by presenting an installment program for prospective new students and active students at tarumanagara university (untar).

 From student organizations to exciting activities

So, untarian, as tarumanagara university (untar) students are called. No longer need to worry about tuition fees because untarian can take. Advantage of this collaborative program. Between tarumanagara university (untar) and danacita. This installment program makes it easier. For untarian to be able to pay monthly tuition fees and of course. It is more affordable.

As one of the efforts to enhance Hungary Phone Number List cooperation between tarumanagara. University (untar) and danacita, danacita had the opportunity to visit the. Tarumanagara university (untar) campus in person, located on jl. Letjen s. Parman, west jakarta on december 16 2021. The visit by the danacita team was warmly welcomed by. Representatives of tarumanagara university (untar) who. Were represented by the admissions team.

 Phone Number List

During this visit, the danacita team had the opportunity to inform. Directly that danacita had received more than 400 tarumanagara university (untar) students. Who created accounts at danacita.

This proves the trust that danacita has received as a trusted educational financing solution at tarumanagara university (untar).

Danacita is a financial technology company whose mission

Expand access to education in indonesia. Through the collaboration between danacita and tarumanagara university (untar), prospective students Europe Email and active students at tarumanagara university (untar) can take advantage of the danacita installment program to achieve their future goals without having to worry about being constrained by tuition fees.

As an official partner of tarumanagara university (untar), danacita certainly ensures all aspects of data security and convenience for prospective students and active students at tarumanagara university (untar) when submitting applications at danacita.

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