Value proposition benefits and differentials

A question i am frequently asked is, what distinguishes the concepts of , benefits and differentials? The Value proposition is what every company has, it is what a customer buys when they buy from you, it is the sum of all the benefits, of all the arguments. All that list that you say, why us? It’s everything a customer gets when he buys from a company. Every organization has a value proposition, some more robust than others, but we all deliver something to customers. So, the sum of all the elements, call it the experience, the guarantee, the quality of the product, the training of the team, the after-sales, the management of the inventory, the financing. They are all elements that when the customer buys, that is what goes in that box, in that combo called “value proposition”.

Some options knowing

Everything that you propose to that client , we all have. Benefits are all the elements within the proposal that have some representation or some utility for the client. For example, warranty, everyone can have it, but what is the benefit of warranty? Which allows company data you to take no risks, to be able to buy or acquire a product, to be able to assume  that if something happens you have a backup. After-sales, which will not be alone, for example, after a first implementation, but will later accompany you throughout the entire process. Sales team training, why is this a benefit? Because it will allow you to solve problems much faster than suddenly with those who do not have as much training.

company data

That basically generates value

Then each of the elements that make up the Value proposition should ultimately offer a benefit. Now the most important part: the differentials . All companies have a , some better than others, but they exist. All companies generate benefits, but Europe Email those benefits that you generate that are not offered by the competition, those are the true differentials . That is the reason why a customer should prefer to buy from you instead of another option. So, let’s not confuse ourselves by just saying we have a great “value proposition”, yes, but if the other also has a similar one, we didn’t do anything.

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