Wahana Insan Prima WIP Course Fees Through Danacita

Wahana insan prima (wip) is a company that focuses on competency-based hr consulting with more than 12 years of experience. With more  than 12 years of experience,  has been entrusted by dozens of clients from within and outside the country.

As a company in the field of hr consulting, wahana insan prima (wip) also provides various program services that you can take part in such as financial institution training, formulation of competency standards (central government), development of competency-based education and training systems (central and provincial governments), development competency-based assessment/certification system, as well as event organizer training or procurement of workshops.

Pt wahana insan prima is also a training center that has collaborated

With the available training programs, you don’t need to. Worry because at pt wahana insan prima (wip) you will be trained. Specifically and Kazakhstan Phone Number List intensively by trainers who are experts in their fields. Not a few also, participants who have attended training. Here have succeeded in increasing their competence and developing. Their careers in private or public places or companies.

 Phone Number List

In terms of training methods, the program offered also provides. Qualified facilities online or offline because training is always given intensively. With material presented by experts so that participants can easily absorb. The material presented, openness of discussion during training. Is also one of the advantages at this place.

As a competency based hr consultant wahana insan prima (wip) has had many

trainers who have competence and experience in their respective fields. This is what makes you don’t need to worry because you will get material that is very useful and useful for further developing competencies. Not only that, you will also get a competency certificate from the national professional certification agency (bnsp).

What’s no less interesting, you will also get the opportunity to have an open discussion / discussion forum with the facilitator to make the training process easier.

Also read: 4 advantages of the wahana insan prima course

Click the banner above to apply now at danacita!

Cost of the training program at Europe Email wahana insan prima through danacita
Through the official collaboration between   and danacita, now you don’t need to be confused anymore about the cost of your training at wahana insan prima (wip). The collaboration that exists between wahana insan prima and danacita is to provide an affordable training financing solution through the danacita installment program for those of you who want to take part in a coding bootcamp course at .



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