Identify shortcuts for dealing with work anxiety

What is your assessment of the work environment in which you are inserted.

Just look around and soon you can see a significant change in climate, when compared to the pre-pandemic period. According to a survey carried out by the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan), the number of voluntary layoffs in Brazil has increased – month after month. According to specialists in the field of psychology and people management, the search for new airs, outside the work context, has shown to be a physical demand, common to more and more sectors of the population. Do you want to discover its main causes and how to mitigate the problem? Follow the article below and check it out! Rise in the number of cases This spontaneous practice, curtailed by detachment, has attracted countless employees across the country. In the first half of 2023 alone, more than 2.9 million optional dismissals were recorded.

This epidemic event gave us the courage

The number – alarming – shows an increase of 32.5%, compared to the same period, in 2021. This modality represented 33.4% of all dismissals reported in recent months. In other words, one third of the current layoffs in companies happen, not by order of the manager, but due to employee dissatisfaction. For psychologist Mônica Campelo, the phenomenon of mass layoffs will lead to new reflections on the clash between the Estonia WhatsApp Number List importance of work and quality of life. A move like this removes a significant part of the control of a team from the coordinator’s hands. Therefore, it proves to be an evil, not only to those who felt restricted to the point of “leaving ship”, but also to the organizations themselves. Therefore, the business routine increasingly lacks the inclusion of topics such as mental health and living with relatives.

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Other priorities are put ahead

Ways to invert the priority of the trade, motivation, productivity, competition and other factors responsible for ‘kidnapping’ people from their intimate life, are some of the changes brought about by the influence of Covid-19”, points out Mônica. Context of the pandemic The year 2020 will always be marked as a watershed in human history. With the insurgency of the pandemic, the so-called status-quo was Europe Email turned upside down worldwide. Dreams around the globe were haunted by fear, ideals were modified and relationships were reconfigured. “With the lights out, the confinement in the houses and all its consequences, the values ​​of survival were re-signified. It was realized how life is very short. Between having the basics and having tomorrow, the future was preserved. In general terms, this boom became responsible for shuffling people’s values ​​priority”, suggests career manager and neuroscientist, Andrea Deis.

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