Psychology in the visual identity of your brand

Contrary to what many might think, psychology is essential when designing. This is because psychology will dictate how that image or identity will affect people and the results it will generate. Using a formal logo is not the same as using a cartoon, for example. At this point, color and the effects it has on the target audience. Therefore, as well as fonts, are also taken into account. In this way, the effect that the identity could have can be controlled, ensuring that it is really useful and profitable.


The channels in which the visual identity of a company will be applied are a factor to keep in mind. Therefore, since each of these has its own characteristics. Social media , for example, doesn’t work the same as a website or a banner on an outdoor billboard. It is very important to take into account which channels the company is in in order to determine. Therefore, how to adapt the visual identity and the channels, making the most of their potential. Likewise, taking into email leads account some digital tools is important to reduce. Therefore, the risk of the visual identity becoming out of date with the channel.

email leads


Finally, it is important to know and plan the strategy behind each company, as this will influence when positioning the image. Positioning your company’s image on social networks is not the same as in a newspaper, for example. So before designing your company’s image and website, you must assess how you will position it or what strategy you will follow. Remember the point about personality? All this goes Europe Email hand in hand, since the strategy is also based on personality and undoubtedly affects the moment of creating the visual identity.

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