Aware of this looking for different works to improve

Meet some of them now E-commerce : concepts, implementation and management. By Nara Stefano and Izabel Cristina Zattar In this book, the authors reflect on the advantages and challenges of e-commerce and help the reader to master concepts. Strategies and tools which are part of this universe. of the technologies involve. In the area and […]

How to develop and encourage more diversity in the business?

You need to teach and educate your teams, demonstrating the benefits and advantages of creating a diverse team,” he said. To start this debate, a good tip is to promote internal webinars , workshops , conversation circles and lectures on the subject, including professionals already specialized in the subject. In this way, by relying on […]

The more we get the organization’s design right based

In this scenario, Morgan suggests how much it makes no sense to invest in actions to motivate, considering that the origin of the problem is the positive or negative experiences of the cooperators in the workplace. “His opinion permeates the idea of ​​the relevance of investments in improvement actions, structurally solving the problems faced by […]

In addition to being a matter of fairness and equality

It brings numerous benefits to companies, driving innovation, creativity and success. For this reason, it is so important to invest in this culture within organizations , as in addition to promoting goodreputation, brings significant results for establishments. So, stay on top of how plurality can bring new perspectives to brands! Plurality is positive! In recent […]

Business benefits are highlighted for employees

For some time now, salary has not been the only deciding factor for people to stay or accept a new position. With several changes in habits, commitments and priorities in recent years, workers have been looking for positions with a balance between work and personal life, in addition to other types of advantages given by […]

Assess the impact of adopting flexible benefits

Therefore, it is crucial for companies, through the human resources sector, to think about benefits to help their contractors minimize the damage. Benefits beyond salary make a company stand out The benefits branch grew a lot in 2022. This statement was confirme by data from the 2022 National Benefits Guide, carri out by Swile, in […]

Identify shortcuts for dealing with work anxiety

What is your assessment of the work environment in which you are inserted. Just look around and soon you can see a significant change in climate, when compared to the pre-pandemic period. According to a survey carried out by the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan), the number of voluntary […]

Learn more about employee experience

According to a survey on Customer Experience (CX), developed by Gartner, there has never been so much investment in this aspect. More than 80% of companies believe they compete based on experience, while 90% hold a senior leadership position responsible for CX alone . Therefore, it is clear how the subject gains focus and is […]

During the analysis period, the salary difference reached about

To the average income of those without disabilities, equivalent to R$ 2,619.00. to career advancement in these cases. In the study “People with Disabilities and Employability”, by the consulting firm Noz Intelligence, 60% of people with some type of deprivation said they had never been promoted, even those with higher education (53%) and for more […]

The lack of PCD’s in the market and its impacts

To achieve the goal of a healthier and more multiple environment, it is the role of companies to implement policies to transform the corporate culture, where everyone shares the same processes and ideals. Many companies are still figuring out how to apply such purposes in their routine, and a focus on certain groups, such as […]

It is essential to clearly identify who your target audience is

This involves a detailed understanding of the group’s demographics, interests, behaviors, and needs. By knowing your persona in depth, you can customize your messages and campaigns to meet their specific expectations and desires. Market research, data analysis andfeedbackcan be great sources to get valuable data about your audience. “This information will be essential to guide […]

LinkedIn: strategic use of the corporate network

In recent years, LinkedIn has established itself as a powerful way for workers and companies to connect, share knowledge and explore career opportunities. With over 800 million users worldwide, this networkcorporateit has become an essential tool for anyone seeking professional development and business growth. So, find out how to make strategic use of the corporate […]